The Best Corporate Christmas Gifts 2021

The Best Corporate Christmas Gifts 2021

Christmas is coming up soon, and your employees have been working hard these past months. It’s time to show them how much they are appreciated, especially for their extra effort during the coronavirus lockdown. And, if your Christmas party did not happen last year, it’s even more vital that you provide some recognition for all your great employees.

But what corporate gifts truly show your employees they are being recognised for their hard work? No matter the size of the business, we understand that everyone has a budget. And finding the right gift for equally the right price can be difficult. So, hopefully, this top three list of the best corporate Christmas gifts will help you choose something which suits both your budget and your employee’s preferences. There are plenty of solutions that everyone can get behind!

Gift Cards

If you have a variety of employees with different tastes, preferences and personalities, it can be hard trying to find the perfect gift they will all love. You don’t want something you buy to end up discarded, forgotten about or thrown in the bin. If you want a gift that everyone will appreciate, the safest option is to give them a gift card. This can be for Amazon, a retail store or even the cinema! The choice is up to you based on what you think your employees will love the most.

The choices don’t stop there either! You can have most gift cards delivered electronically to their emails – a good option considering many of your employees may still be working from home. However, if you wanted to include a personal note detailing how grateful you are for all their hard work this past year and a half or so, then you will probably have a short character limitation. Instead, you could purchase physical gift cards and place these within Christmas cards which you can post through their letterbox if they live in a similar area, or post in the mail to appear on their doorstep a few days later.

Personalised Stationery

A great way to say thank you and Merry Christmas this festive period is to get personal with your presents. Your employees could range from retail staff to marketing assistants and accountants, but one present they will all love and be able to use is personalised stationery. A 2022 diary with their name printed or embossed is a fantastic way of making your employee feel like an appreciated individual rather than just another employee on the payroll.

Perhaps a diary is too much for the budget? Then you can still find lots of personalisable stationery which will bring a smile to your employee’s face whether they open it the day it arrives at their house or on Christmas day itself! Pick a budget and then collect a list of items that could be feasible for your business. Ask for an opinion or two from fellow staff to ensure you choose something everyone can use and love. Then let them all enjoy their Christmas gifts!

Bespoke Chocolate Gifts

At The Famous 1657 Chocolate House, we have been crafting drool-worthy chocolate gift boxes for decades. Our chocolates are renowned for being delicious pops of flavour which leave everybody wanting just one more. So there’s no better corporate Christmas gift than a box of chocolates which your employees can devour in one night or across the festive period.

You could purchase small gift boxes for every employee to enjoy, alongside a large gift box for those who deserve special recognition during this time. If you are on a budget, why not purchase a few larger gift boxes and separate the chocolates into bags yourself to give around the office on everyone’s last day of the year?!

Most people love chocolate, with one billion of us consuming the tasty treats every day! So it’s a sure bet for employees if you are struggling to think of a gift they will all love. The only reason they might not is if they have allergies – something you should double-check before sending a box to their door!

Check out our website to learn more about the fantastic gift boxes we have to offer your employees. We have a range of chocolate gift boxes available to suit your needs, whether you want to reward an employee or provide a small gift for everyone to show your appreciation. And, the range of fabulous flavours means there is undoubtedly something which everyone will love!